Producing A Year-Long Video Content Strategy [Part 1/5 - Analysis]


Working with a brand that requires video content to help elevate their marketing campaigns for a whole year is quite the undertaking. It requires a certain ability to understand the constraints to be working under and the expectations of the client. For us, it’s important to humanise the story of the brand. We believe that is what will be relevant, engaging and captivating for the viewer.

Understand the requirements of your client.

Starting off with a discovery chat with the client is important to understand the expectations of the content. It is also a chance to iron out any creases and find the middle ground on what is creatively possible within the constraints of time, money and resources. Overlooking this step in the whole production process could end up with difficulties understanding what the deliverables

Define your objectives.

A campaign can only be considered a success if there are some metrics worth measuring, measure them meticulously. Numbers don’t lie and we believe they are important to finding out the impact of campaigns.

Understand the consumer.

To really understand who was going to view the content we decided on conducting an in-depth focus group to tease out insights and knowledge we were oblivious to. Having a certain direction helps while conducting the market research but it is equally important of what is a turn off for these participants. The results can be eye-opening and will help with making decisions on the creative and provide the why for the decisions taken.

Iterate and improve on the creative.

Once the research has identified certain key topics and overarching messages to focus towards, the next step is to create based on that information.


Want us to help you with your next video marketing campaign?


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