Navigating the Content Production Agency Fog

It can be tough going searching for the right content production agency for your organisation. Agencies that help you communicate your story to the world are essential to a successful content production strategy. 

To begin this journey of creating content, here are some of our learnings that we believe will help improve your content production.

Know your mission

It is vital to understand your company’s mission and purpose. Having that as the core foundation of what content you create will help allow all your content across platforms to make sense, regardless of its execution. 

This is probably the most underestimated part of the content creation process. Usually, it is internally communicated very clearly within teams, but it is equally important to align any agencies with your mission which will allow them to create content that makes sense. 

Your company’s story is the key to effectively communicate with your clients and consumers. Make sure that is shared with your agencies. 

Be transparent

Allow your agency to take your vision and let them be creative, but also bring them in the loop with purpose for a specific piece of content. Many agencies that are hired on an ad-hoc basis should be clear on what purpose their creative is serving. It will reduce the back and forth and increase the quality of the finished content. 

Give them the tools (your values) and the creative freedom to challenge you. Collaboration will help you stand out from so much of the sameness of the content.

Be your own consumer

Put yourself in your consumers shoes and empathise with them. Understand how they would behave. That information is crucial for an agency. It will help them understand what messages would work with your consumers and communicate with them as humans, rather than as a metric. 

Understand the people at the agency 

Lastly, understand what the vision of the agency you are going to bring in to create content is. Are they enthusiastic about the content they will end up producing for you? Are they ambitious and do they challenge what you have been already doing? Those qualities are something that are invaluable and should not be taken lightly. Their creativity and ambition is what you will end up valuing above anything else.

We believe it all boils down to the people. Knowing that they are with you on your journey is important to creating a successful relationship with an agency who will help you bring your vision to life, that is where magic happens.


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