“A Good Customer Testimonial Is Worth It's Weight In Gold.”

Video Testimonials

“If you want to convince prospective customers to pick you over the competition, you need to show them exactly how you’ll solve their problems and what makes you different.”

Video testimonials are not only a great way to; demonstrate social proof, show off the amazing work you are doing for your customers. It has a wonderful way of making your product or service stand out, come alive and add so much more color to your offer.  

  • 97% of B2B customers cited testimonials and peer recommendations as the most reliable type of content.
  • 79% of consumers have watched a video testimonial to learn more about a company, product or service.
  • 90% of users say that seeing a video about a product is helpful for making decisions.

While product or service demos can show your product in action, a customer testimonial shows your solution in action.

A video testimonial is not only one of the most versatile forms of content, if utilised properly, it could influence all parts of your marketing funnel too. 

Our Clients

Examples of our testimonial videos

FAQ’s & More Information

  • Boost Trust and Credibility:

    People trust other people more than marketing messages. Testimonials showcase real customers experiencing positive results with your product or service.

    Increase Lead Generation and Sales:

    Seeing satisfied customers motivates viewers to consider your offering. Testimonials can be a persuasive closing element in your marketing funnel.

    Highlight Specific Benefits:

    Let your customers do the talking! Testimonials can effectively communicate the value proposition of your product/service and its impact on real businesses.

  • Identify satisfied customers:

    Look for clients who have expressed positive feedback or achieved significant results with your product or service.

    Consider industry relevance:

    Choose customers from your target industry to enhance the connection with potential viewers.

    Variety is good:

    Feature a mix of customer profiles (company size, job titles) to showcase your solution's broad applicability.

  • The cost depends on factors like the number of customers featured, shooting locations, and editing complexity.

    Our prices are dependent on the project and what is involved. These are rough estimates only.

    Basic: 2K to 2.5K

    Mid: 3.5K to 5.5K

    Top: 7.5K+

    Prices quoted in GBP + VAT if applicable. T&C’s apply.

  • Absolutely!

    With readily available tools and platforms, you can create compelling testimonials in-house.

    We obviously would recommend Hiring a professional videographer can ensure high-quality production value.

  • Focus on specific challenges and solutions:

    Frame the testimonial around a problem your customer faced and how your solution helped them overcome it.

    Quantify results whenever possible:

    Include concrete numbers to showcase the impact you've made on their business (e.g., increased efficiency by 20%, reduced costs by 15%).

    Authenticity is key:

    Let your customers speak naturally and share their genuine experiences.

    Target the right audience:

    Select customers whose challenges and successes resonate with your ideal B2B buyer persona.

  • Experienced and creative team:

    We have a team of experienced and creative writers, directors, and videographers who can help you create high-quality content that will engage your SaaS audience.

    Data-driven approach:

    We take a data-driven approach to content creation, which means that use data to understand your audience and create content that is relevant and engaging.

    Expertise in SaaS:

    The years of experience of working within the SaaS world means we have a deep understanding of the SaaS industry, exactly what your target audience is interested in, and know exactly the type of content that will resonate with them.

  • ✔One Primary Point of Contact

    ✔Fixed Price

    ✔Set Deadlines

    ✔9.5/10 Average NPS score

    ✔100% Money back guarantee

  • Step 1: Goal

    We start by understanding your goals, the message, the history you have with your customer and the story you want to convey.

    Step 2: Pre Planning

    At this stage we plan what, whom, where, when, how to shoot including writing up bespoke list of questions for your customer.

    Step 3: Shoot

    Our shoots usually take anywhere between 3-4 hours (Only 30-45 minutes is required from your customer)

    Step 4: Post Production

    At this stage we would send over a rough long draft for you and your client to review. After which we would create a 60 second main edit and multiple edits for social media, various calls to actions for landing page or email campaigns.

    The entire process listed above should take 4-6 weeks to complete.

  • Trust and Social Proof: People are naturally influenced by others' experiences.

    Emotional Connection: Videos tap into the emotional side of decision-making.

    Increased Retention: We retain information far better from visuals than text.

    Boosts Conversions: Compelling video testimonials can significantly increase your conversion rates.

    Showcase Benefits: Testimonials allow customers to tell your story for you.

    Authenticity and Transparency: Video captures genuine emotions and reactions, making testimonials feel more authentic than written text.

    Versatility: Video testimonials can be easily integrated into various marketing channels, from your website and landing pages to social media and email campaigns.

  • We have several option for you to choose from:

    Film at our studio

    Film at or WeWork in St Katherines Docks

    Film at your clients office


  • The production timeline depends on the project's complexity. Bu we would recommend 3-6 weeks.

Contact us here or if Prefer to email info [@] interestingcontent.co.uk

Video testimonials our customers have left us

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Book a 15-minute discovery call with our founder Suds

Topics to be covered:

  • What a testimonial video can do for your business

  • What makes good client testimonial video

  • Our 4 steps process

  • Budget

Prefer to email info [@] interestingcontent.co.uk